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The Toyota Tsusho Group's Initiatives for Achieving Carbon Neutrality ~Passing down a better global environment to the children of the future~

Everyone in the Toyota Tsusho Group is a Member of CNTF
-Become a Leader That Drives the Carbon Neutrality

Quickening and Increasing Trend toward Carbon Neutrality and the Environment Surrounding the Toyota Tsusho Group

Having set decarbonization as one of its Key Sustainability Issues(Materiality), the entire Toyota Tsusho Group is promoting the achievement of global carbon neutrality. We participate in initiatives toward realizing a decarbonized society and circular economy, which will lead to carbon neutrality. These are business domains in which the group has long engaged, and we operate various related projects such as a wind power generation business, which has grown to be the largest in Japan.

Meanwhile, the tide has strongly turned toward the promotion of carbon neutrality for all of society. In Europe, which has overall high environmental awareness, the European Union (EU) announced the European Green Deal in December 2019 to make the EU a net-zero emitter of greenhouse gases. In October 2020, Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga issued a 2050 carbon neutrality declaration, and in 2021, the Biden administration, which has placed a high priority on environmental and energy policies, came into power.

From now on, green recovery based on environment-focused economic policies will be promoted toward restoring the global economy from the COVID-19 pandemic. The world is in the middle of a tectonic shift, and the promotion of carbon neutrality has entered its founding period. This abrupt change is greatly impacting the mobility and energy industries, which are important business domains for the Toyota Tsusho Group, and transformation and disruption will occur in all types of industries, especially in the next 10 years leading up to 2030. The risks and opportunities for our group can be summarized as shown on the right.

Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reduction Targets and Future Initiatives

Achieving carbon neutrality in the Toyota Tsusho Group's operations is as essential as contributing to carbon neutrality in society. Therefore, in July 2021 our group set a concrete policy toward contributing to the transition into a decarbonized society. We established a target of reducing greenhouse gas emissions generated through the business activities of Toyota Tsusho and its domestic and overseas consolidated subsidiaries (Scope 1*1 and Scope 2*2) to net-zero to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050. In addition, we also plan to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 50% below 2019 levels by 2030.

The Toyota Tsusho Group aims to achieve these targets by promoting comprehensive energy conservation and renewable energy measures (installing LED lighting at business offices and plants, installing solar power facilities at company-owned buildings and structures), reducing CO2 emissions from production processes and logistics operations, reducing emissions through technological innovation, and utilizing J-Credits*3 derived from the use of renewable energy. The ability to accelerate and promote businesses that contribute to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions throughout the entire industrial lifecycle is a strength of the Toyota Tsusho Group. All employees of our group will unite and work full force to contribute to the resolution of these social issues.

  1. *1Direct greenhouse gas emissions from Toyota Tsusho's use of fuel, etc. (coal, gas, etc.)
  2. *2Indirect greenhouse gas emissions from Toyota Tsusho's use of purchased electric power and heat
  3. *3In 2019, J-Credits derived from the use of renewable energy resulted in the certified reduction of 2,649 tons of greenhouse gas.

Reduction Targets

  • Carbon neutrality by 2050
  • Reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by 50% below 2019 levels by 2030

Scope of application: Parent company and domestic/overseas consolidated subsidiaries (Scope 1 and Scope 2)

  • *For Scope 3, we are promoting concrete actions to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the value chain, in cooperation with our suppliers and customers.

Contributing to Transitioning into a Decarbonized Society through Fives Business Areas with Strengths

The Toyota Tsusho Group is involved in businesses that support the circular economy throughout each stage of the industrial lifecycle including energy creation, energy collection and coordination, manufacture of goods, transport of goods, use of goods, waste processing, and reuse and recycling as part of its initiatives to contribute to the transition to a decarbonized society. We will drive the achievement of carbon neutrality, focusing on our five areas of strength.

The Toyota Tsusho Group's initiatives for contributing to the transition to a decarbonized society

Fives Business Areas with Strengths

By 2030, Toyota Tsusho will invest 1.6 trillion yen scale to reinforce businesses moving towards carbon neutrality

Toyota Tsusho established five areas of focus that propel the circular economy in each stage of the industrial lifecycle to reinforce; "energy creation," "energy collection and coordination," "manufacture of goods," "transport of goods," "use of goods," "waste processing," and "reuse and recycling

Renewable Energy & Energy Management Working Group

Aiming to maximize introduction of renewable energy

Scale of investment : 700 billion yen

Battery Working Group

Contributing toward Carbon Neutrality across the Entire Lifetime of Batteries by Strengthening Ties between Divisions, Regions and with Partners

Scale of investment : 400 billion yen

Hydrogen & Alternative Fuels Working Group

Accelerating Carbon Neutrality of Port Areas by Model of Local Production for Local Consumption of Clean Hydrogen

Scale of investment : 200 billion yen

Resource Circulation & 3R Working Group

Aiming to Reduce CO2 by Optimizing Venous Businesses Using IT

Scale of investment : 200 billion yen

Economy of Life Working Group

Achieving Carbon Neutrality through Paprika Cultivated by Effective Use of Factory Waste Heat

Scale of investment : 100 billion yen

March, 2022

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