Circular Economy

Circular Economy
The circular economy is an economic system that recycles waste that was conventionally discarded, creating a new resource.
Toyota Tsusho will actively promote businesses that contribute to the circular economy and will aim to become the world’s leading circular economy provider, in order to achieve carbon neutrality.

Contribute to the development of a recycling-based society by transforming waste into manufacturing resources

Transforming waste into resources

Natural resources are not limitless. We must reduce our impact on the environment by efficiently using and reusing these resources. As a trading company involved in manufacturing, the Toyota Tsusho Group considers it a vital mission to consider the global environment and secure and stably provide resources. To effectively use these limited resources, we will develop recycling businesses including recovery and processing of recyclable resources from scrap generated from ELVs, in cities, and at plants. We will secure resources through urban mining, and turn waste into resources, for example, by reusing used vehicles and parts, thereby contributing to the development of a recycling-based society.

Toyota Tsusho Key Sustainability Issues's Key Performance Indicator

Quantitative KPIs

Volumes handled by the resource recycling business* in the metals sector
2024/3 result
6.8 million t
2025/3 Target
7.6 million t
2027/3 Target
9.0 million t
  • *Green metal business/molten aluminum business (using recycled ingots)/ELV recovery business and valuable metal scrap recycling business
Path to achieving the 2027/3 target
Growth of scrap collection, recovery, and processing business and ELV recovery business due to increasing demand for recycled materials
Plastic recycling volume
PLANIC Co., Ltd.
2024/3 result
Equivalent to 140,000 vehicles*
2025/3 Target
320,000 vehicles
2027/3 Target
740,000 vehicles
Toyotsu PET Recycling Systems Co., Ltd.
2024/3 result
Equivalent to 1.4 billion bottles
2025/3 Target
1.8 billion bottles
2027/3 Target
2.0 billion bottles
  • *Converted as raw material for vehicle underbody covers
Path to achieving the 2027/3 target
Business growth in line with increased raw material procurement

Qualitative KPIs

Promotion of measures for the development of a recycling-based society
  • Establishment of a recycling scheme for car batteries
  • Recycling of aluminum (recycling scrap as raw material and establishment of Toyotsu Sorting Technology Corporation, which has sorting and processing technology, to expand horizontal recycling of aluminum sashes)
  • Participation in the waste fishing net recycling business as part of the PATCHWORKS® project, which aims to achieve fiber-to-fiber recycling of all clothing.

Toyota Tsusho Information Related to Circular Economy

Circular Economy-related Topics

Projects that Contribute to a Circular Economy

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