Begin everything we do with ensuring safety and compliance, and continue to be an organization trusted by society
All corporate activities are supported by social trust and sustained by social confidence. Toyota Tsusho does its utmost to ensure safety at related companies and the safety of all workers. We are constantly engaged in activities that earn society’s trust and confidence, such as conducting safety education activities at plants and offices using our Practical Safety Workshop and ensuring high levels of quality that guarantee safety and security.
In our day-to-day operations, we define specific codes of conduct for all sites and offices, both in Japan and overseas, and strictly comply with laws and regulations such as those concerned with preventing corruption or anticompetitive behavior. We are improving our management transparency and enhancing our corporate governance.
- *1The number of fatalities and injuries resulting from industrial accidents per million hours of actual work
- *2Scope: Main domestic and overseas affiliated companies
- *3Activities to eliminate recurrent accidents by identifying disaster themes (high-risk accidents, e.g., prevention of caught-in-between accidents, entrapment accidents, etc.) and implementing safety measures for them on a global basis
- *4Establishment of a support system at thae head office for business units that require intensive support
- *518 ironclad rules to prevent (STOP6) accidents (e.g., installing fences around the machinery that possibly cause accidents, a separation of path for pedestrian and vehicles)
- *6Six accidents that lead to possibly serious ones, including accidents caused by (1) moving machinery, (2) heavy objects, (3) contact with vehicles, (4) falls, (5) electric shock, and (6) high temperatures.
- Establishment of a system to ensure worker safety
- Results
- Made occupational safety activities in each region self-reliant
- Promoted follow-through activities
- Provided training materials and other measures for major overseas sites to become self-reliant in safety activities, thus boosting internal communication about safety activities
- Compliance with the Global Code of Conduct & Ethics (COCE)
- Results
- Designated October every year as Compliance Month to raise awareness among officers and employees, with messages from management and various training programs and seminars
- Expanded the global whistleblowing system "SPEAK UP" to domestic and overseas consolidated subsidiaries
- Strengthening of the functions of the Board of Directors meeting
- Results
- Reviewed the criteria for Board of Directors meetings and implemented communication opportunities with outside members of the Board to enhance discussions at Board of Directors meetings
- Reinforcement of response to cyberattacks
- Results
- Strengthened preventive measures against cyberattacks and increased the number of teams dedicated to initial response in the event of a cyberattack
Based on the beliefs that safety and compliance are the cornerstones for all work and that safety management is a matter of human resources development, Toyota Tsusho conducts safety and health education not just for Toyota Tsusho Group employees but, upon request, also for the employees of suppliers.
We conduct rank-based safety and health training for new employees, mid-level employees, managers, and executives and are expanding the scope of education by conducting training for persons involved in operations at suppliers.
To heighten employee sensitivity to danger by having them experience hazardous work, in 2009 we established a Practical Safety Workshop at Toyota Steel Center Co., Ltd. The workshop offers simulations of 62 different types of hazards, including being squeezed between objects and dangers involving heavy items. Educational materials on predicting six types of hazards have also been prepared. Workshop attendance is also open to the personnel of suppliers who take part in Toyota Tsusho’s Safety and Health Cooperation Council. The workshop serves to raise awareness regarding safety and health. Despite the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, a total of 299 persons participated in these workshops in the fiscal year ended March 31, 2022, and the cumulative number of participants since their establishment reached 9,983 persons.
Taking into consideration that since Toyota Tsusho is a trading company and much of its work takes place in offices, in the fiscal year ended March 31, 2017, we began conducting Office Safety Workshops and taking measures to raise awareness of safety regarding office work. More than 750 participants from the Toyota Tsusho Group have attended these workshops to date.