Environmental Management

Toyota Tsusho Group's Environmental Policy

Based on our Corporate Philosophy of "living and prospering together with people, society and the globe," the Toyota Tsusho Group has established the Toyota Tsusho Group Environmental Policy and takes action to respond to climate change, preserve forests and biodiversity, curb the use of resources and energy, use water effectively, and reduce water consumption in areas experiencing water stress.

We have established the "Supply Chain Sustainability Behavioral Guidelines" to ensure that our suppliers share a common understanding of our environmental policy. In this policy, we ask our suppliers to understand and implement our group's environmental policy. When we revised our Supply Chain Sustainability Behavioral Guidelines in March 2022, we communicated our policy to approximately 1,300 suppliers that have ongoing transactions with us by means such as e-mail and hand delivery.

Toyota Tsusho Group's Environmental Policy
  1. 1In order to pass down a better global environment to the children of the future, As a responsible corporate citizen, we strive to reduce the following impact on the environment by preventing and reducing environmental pollution, while placing a high priority on not disturbing the global environment in conducting business.
    • Contribute to the transition to a carbon neutral society, reduce greenhouse gas emissions through our business activities and aim for carbon neutrality by reducing CO2 emissions from automotive,manufacturing, and energy plant construction through the use of clean energy and innovative technologies
    • Strive to preserve forests and biodiversity
    • Reduce resources and energy, and improve efficiency
    • Effectively use water and reduce the amount of use in water stressed regions
  2. 2We promote environment-related businesses, such as the efficient use of waste and the preservation of natural resources, and contribute to the realization of a recycling-oriented economy and society,while reducing the discharge of waste through our business activities, in collaboration with our affiliates and business partners.
  3. 3 We comply with all environmental requirements, including environmental laws and regulations and industry guidelines.
  4. 4We participate in activities to reduce impact on the environment by establishing an environmental management system and implement Kaizen (continuous improvement) of these activities through periodic review and the application of creative ideas.
  5. 5We enhance environmental awareness among employees by providing environmental training and promoting a thorough understanding of our environmental policy.

Environmental Management Promotion Structures

The Toyota Tsusho Group's environmental management systems conform to ISO 14001 standards in Japan outside Japan, the systems are operated and managed in accordance with the Group's environmental management rulebook - a set of voluntary standards. Both in Japan and overseas, the Group implements regular internal audits with the aim of improving its standards of environmental management. The Toyota Tsusho Group holds an annual Global Safety & Environmental Promotion Meeting to report on the Group's environmental conservation activities, discuss changes to laws and regulations, and to share information. As far as environmental accidents are concerned, a Safety Management Enhancement Committee-attended by executives-is held once a month, and reports of case studies and countermeasures are shared to prevent reoccurrences.

Environmental risks including climate change, biodiversity, preservation of forests, and water issues are discussed by the Sustainability Management Committee, which is chaired by President&CEO, and matters that meet certain conditions are reported to the Board of Directors for consideration of responsive measures.

The Toyota Tsusho Group passed its ISO 14001:2015 certification renewal audit in 2023, and its current certification is effective until December 31, 2024. The number of Group business subsidiaries that have acquired ISO 14001 certification stands at 70 in Japan and 139 outside Japan, accounting for approximately 27% of all subsidiaries.
In addition, for companies that have not obtained certification but which we deem necessary, we practice environmental management based on the environmental management rulebook (voluntary control standard), accounting for approximately 29% of all subsidiaries.

Toyota Tsusho Group's Environmental Management
Toyota Tsusho Group's Environmental Management
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Initiatives to Reduce Our Impact on the Environment

For our current business framework, we quantitatively evaluate the degree of risk of environmental pollution being caused by our business operations including all equipment and the level of worksite control to reduce our risk of environmental pollution. We also evaluate our adherence to environmental laws and regulations every six months and implement double checks on legal observance for key issues through internal and external audits.

For any new investment projects, we make efforts to conserve the environment and reduce our impact on it by investigating and evaluating the possible environmental effects of such investment in advance.

Toyota Tsusho assesses and discloses the following.

Internal and External audit results (fiscal 2024)
Toyota Tsusho (non-consolidated) Japanese Group Companies
First-party audit (internal) 33 departments 21 companies
Second-party audit (internal) - -
Third-party audits (external) 33 departments 24 companies

Environmental training and environmental awareness

1.Raising employees' environmental awareness

We use e-learning and Environment Month to raise the environmental awareness of employees of the Company and Group companies. E-learning programs on ISO 14001 standards and the environment (Toyota Tsusho Group’s Environmental Policy, Biodiversity Guidelines, enforcing energy conservation) are available on the Group intranet to help employees learn about environmental issues (problems).

Number of Environmental education (e-learning) participants (fiscal 2023)
Contents Implementation period Number of participants
Principles for Energy Conservation Promotion April 2023 to March 2024 (6 times a year) Average of 3,800 persons(Total 23,000 persons)
Scope of Aggregation:Toyota Tsusho Corporation and domestic consolidated subsidiaries

2.Human resources development for environmental management promotion

In Japan, the Group undertakes environment management through environmental management systems compliance with ISO 14001 and holds various e-learning for Group employees.

Seminar results (fiscal 2024)
Contents Number of participants
ISO seminar for executives 326 persons
Pre-assignment training for new expats (environmental preservation) 53 persons
Scope of Aggregation:Toyota Tsusho Corporation and domestic consolidated subsidiarie