Toyota Tsusho Receives the 3rd CSA Award as a Company Recommended to People in their 20s for Creating the Human Capital of the Next Generation
- (former)Africa

The CSA Award was established to recognize companies that are addressing social issues through their core business and are developing and producing businesspersons that society needs for the future, while maintaining a strong profitability. CSA stands for CareerSelectAbility®, meaning the ability to independently play an active role in one's career in any environment.
The award was presented to Toyota Tsusho's Africa Division in recognition of its Division providing an environment in which employees in their 20s are given major roles and projects and the high degree to which it embodies its vision of organisational subjective sense of justice.
- Ability to produce human resources in their 20s
The company must nurture human resources who can play an active role anywhere from a young age, and these human resources must be active within the company.
- Organisational subjective sense of justice in the main business
The company must have its own sense of the issues it faces in society and the industry, and be united in its efforts to materialize its vision.
- Profitability
The company must be able to continuously ensure a certain level of profitability as an essential role of a business.
- Environment in which employees in their 20s are given major roles and projects
Even at a young age, they are working on business and projects in countries in Africa with a lot of discretion. The environment is such that employees are given large roles and projects in Africa, where there is a high degree of uncertainty, and are able to take on high-level, non-routine work in different cultures and languages.
- High degree to which it embodies the Division's vision of organisational subjective sense of justice
The division is committed to the Toyota Tsusho Group Way "on site, hands on, in touch" by actually visiting sites. The division places importance on the stance of "staying on site and aiming to grow together with the people and society of Africa." By creating opportunities to experience things on site, the Africa Division provides an environment in which employees can work with its overall "WITH AFRICA FOR AFRICA" philosophy as if it were their own.
The Toyota Tsusho Group seeks to become a unique and irreplaceable presence for its customers and business partners under the global vision of "Be the Right ONE." Under this vision, in its business in Africa, the Group's approximately 22,000 employees engaged in business in Africa are united with the philosophy of "WITH AFRICA FOR AFRICA" to contribute to Africa's independent development through business promotion and capacity building.
Toyota Tsusho has also identified six sustainability issues (materiality), one of which is "respecting human rights and nurturing and leveraging human resources to 'create people who contribute to a society.'" We are actively engaged in this and promote human capital development, diversity equity and inclusion (DE&I), and health management, thereby implementing human capital management.
On October 31, 2022, Toyota Tsusho became the second company in Asia, including Japan, to receive ISO 30414 certification. ISO 30414 is an international guideline for the disclosure of information on human capital, which outlines items to be discussed internally and indicators to be disclosed externally. Having acquired the certification, Toyota Tsusho plans to further accelerate its human capital management efforts by implementing objective comparisons in accordance with ISO 30414, and the PDCA cycle based on it.
The information in this release is current as of the date of announcement.
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