Notice of Changes to Officer System and Structure, Organizational Restructuring, and Personnel Changes

  • (former)other


Toyota Tsusho Corporation (head office: Nagoya City; President & CEO: Ichiro Kashitani) announces that the Board of Directors today adopted a resolution approving the following changes to the officer system and structure, organizational restructuring, and personnel changes effective April 1, 2019.

Toyota Tsusho also announces that the Board of Directors decided on the directors and Audit & Supervisory Board members to be submitted to the 98th Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders scheduled for June 25, 2019 and the representative directors to be approved by resolution of the Board of Directors on the same day as set forth below.

I. Changes to the officer system and structure
1. Overview of Top Management
2. Overview of Operating Officer
3. New Management/Operating Structure

II. Organizational changes
1. Organizational changes of business divisions (SBU)
2. Reorganization of departments

III. Personnel changes
1. Top Management (as of April 1)
2. Operating Officer (as of April 1)
3. Retiring Executive officers (as of March 31)
4. General Managers et al. (as of April 1)
5. Directors and Audit & Supervisory Board members
(effective as of the ordinary general shareholders meeting in June)
1) Newly appointed directors
2) Newly appointed Audit & Supervisory Board members
3) Retiring directors
4) Retiring Audit & Supervisory Board members

* The Director and Audit & Supervisory Board member structure after the ordinary general shareholders meeting in June

The information in this release is current as of the date of announcement.
Please note that information may change after the date of announcement. Thank you in advance for your understanding.