Notice of personnel change (2024-03-28)
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Toyota Tsusho Corporation (head office: Nagoya City; President & CEO: Ichiro Kashitani) announces the following personnel change.
Effective April 1, 2024
New Organization | New Position | Name | Current Organization | CurrentPosition |
PT. Super Steel Karawang | President Director | Yasuto Matsuoka | PT. TT Metals Indonesia | ー |
Nippon APT Co.,Ltd | President | Katsunori Imahara | Toyotsu Nonferrous Center Corporation | President |
Green Metal Czech S.R.O. | President | Yuki Watanabe | Circular Economy Business Acceleration Department Metal Resource Recycling Group |
ー |
TT Recycling Management India Private Ltd. | Managing Director | Tomoaki Sasaki | TT Recycling Management India Private Ltd. | ー |
Poland Smelting Technologies 'POLST' Sp. Zo.O. | Director (President) | Koji Hasegawa | Non Ferrous Metarial Recycling Business Department Business Management Group |
ー |
Toyota Tsusho Connected Middle East FZC | President | Tsuyoshi Adachi | Software First Department Mobility IOT Group |
Manager |
TOPIX corporation | President, CEO | Kunihisa Tanaka | Tianjin Fengtian Logistics Co., Ltd. | President |
PT. Toyota Tsusho Nusatransport | President Director | Shuhei Yoneta | Toyotsu Logistics Service Co., Ltd. | ー |
Toyotsu Ambika AutomotiveSafety Components India Private Limited | CEO Director | Toshihiro Katsumori | Toyotsu Ambika Automotive Safety Components India Private Limited | ー |
Toyota Laos Co., Ltd. | President | Kunihiko Inada | Oceania & Middle East Mobility Department Oceania & Middle East Group 1 |
Manager |
T.T.A.S. Co., Ltd. | Managing Director | Manabu Takaki | Motor Brands Development Department | General Manager |
Toyotsu Auto (Middle East) Fze. | Managing Director | Takanobu Goto | Motor Brands Development Department Group 1 |
Manager |
Toyotsu Energy Corporation | Chief Executive Officer | Koji Yoshikawa | Carbon Neutral Fuels Department | General Manager |
Industrial Tech Services, Inc. | President | Akio Ouchi | Power & Drive Train Machinery Department Raw-Material Production Machinery & Production Support Group |
Manager |
Toyota Tsusho Insurance Management | President | Hiroshi Ueno | Food & Consumer Services Planning Department | General Manager |
SEPT HUIT Corporation | CEO | Satoru Yamaguchi | Toyota Tsusho (Thailand) Co., Ltd. | ー |
Cairo Liaison Office Khartoum Representative Office |
General Manager | Hidenori Saito | Cairo Liaison Office | General Manager |
The information in this release is current as of the date of announcement.
Please note that information may change after the date of announcement. Thank you in advance for your understanding.